15 Illustrations: Sunday Morning at St. Andrews

I am working with Inktense pencils, Prismacolor and Micron ink pens, and Canson Illustration 11×14″ 150lb art pad to create 15 illustrations (that is how many pieces of paper are in the art pad) of my current family life and inspirations.

This work is narrative in content and uses color in a monochromatic way accentuating one part of each drawing. These fun and quirky illustrations are a reflection of the current joy I have been experiencing with my family and friend life situation.

In “Sunday Morning at St. Andrews,” our little family is standing while the Gospel according to St. Matthew is being read – in which we all respond “Glory to you Lord, Christ.” We have recently moved to Springfield, MO for M’s job and I am really missing our church St. Andrews, so this piece is especially sentimental.


I wanted to match the actual color of the main wall in the church, so I blended Carmine Pink and Tangerine Inktense pencils to get that orange color. All in all I was happy with the composition and patterns in this illustration.

Some of the things I enjoy the most about this drawing are our little family portrait,


the Gospel reading, IMG_9131and the backs of the other people’s hair and patterned clothes.IMG_9132

The inspiration for this drawing:


Artist Studio Series: Katherine

I went to the Katherine Strause art exhibition Arkansas Homemakers: Home Demonstration and Extension Clubs at the Arkansas Studies Institute Butler Center Galleries. There is a piece about this Katherine Strause art exhibition in The Arkansas Times.

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I haven’t actually met Katherine Strause in person, but I did feel like I met her here through her art. I was immediately wowed by her paintings – the color, composition, brush strokes, and paint application.

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There were so many details I like about Arkansas Homemakers: Home Demonstration and Extension Clubs .

I liked the paint application on the butterfly woman’s face in “4H” as well as the flowers at the bottom right corner of the painting.

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I liked the paint application of the foliage on “Home Demonstration Agent.”

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I loved the dress pattern on “Feeding Scratch.”

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Speaking of loving dress pattern, there were so many great dress patterns in  “Does Anyone Still Wear a Hat.”  I also  really liked the stylistic portraits.

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In “Bow and Arrow” the paint application is excellent. The color scheme in this painting and the pinks are delightful. Also the color and patterns on the dress are great.

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Specifically, the compositional  element of how the yard tools cross on “Smoke” caught my attention.

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Because I am a fan of ladies aprons, I liked “Subversives.”


I really enjoyed myself!

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Katherine Strause Artist Studio

I contacted Katherine Strause shortly after experiencing the delights of her work. She accepted my Facebook friend request! I asked her if I could post about her show and if she was interested in showing her artist studio. She said yes!!!

Katherin Strause Studio – Katherine writes about her studio below.

“My favorite part of the studio is the isolation. It’s in the attic so only occasionally is there an interruption.”

“I usually have old movies on a little TV. The studio is only used as the studio.”

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“My routine would be:  have a looming deadline, search for images to use, stretch canvas, prime etc., draw and trace to get images onto the canvas, paint but try not to overpaint which is the hardest part.”

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You can see more of Katherine Strause art on her website at www.katherinestrause.com or strause.wordpress.com.

Art for an Anniversary

M and I have been going to the Mary’s Homegroup with Grace Church since 2011. Doug and Sue Mary work with Family Life and so their specialty is marriage studies. They have been great to M and I and have invested their time and prayers in the lives of the couples under their leadership. The Mary’s have been supportive of my art, even coming to my University of Arkansas at Little Rock Master of Arts exhibition in December 2012.


They have been supportive of my mission trip to Romania in June 2014.

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I fact, they have us in their home every two weeks providing dinner and a space to spiritually grow.

Their 40th anniversary was this year on July 18th and I wanted to do something that would be special for them. I asked them to send me a picture of their wedding day.

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I started working on a painting for them.

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Once finished, M and I went to their house to deliver their anniversary painting.

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Happy Anniversary Doug and Sue Mary! Thanks for all you do for your community.



Art Romance

What do you think of when I say “hot date night” or “a night out on the town?”

M took me out for one of these. We went and looked at rows and rows – touching every corner of smooth and toothy – cream, white, and toned – thick and thin – pages of sketchbook paper.

M bought me a Canson Sketchbook – 7 x 10 – 98lb and a 12 pack of Derwent Inktense pencils. $$$$

canson       inktense

Well, I did say it was a date!

Of course when we got home, I immediately went to my studio to see what these Inktense pencils were all about. Which is probably the downside for M of taking me on an art date.

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The Inktense pencils are ink based, so after applying water, the ink dries and another layer of ink pencil can be added. Something else I think is really great about the Inktense pencils – and this is for the printmakers out there –  the inktense pencils blend well when working with water based ink. This means that if you print and some parts of your print comes out grainy, you can cover that up with the Inktense pencils.

Pretty cool stuff!

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I sketched an owl because I have been looking at the owls from Raptor Rehab of Central Arkansas.


I have been drawing this circle pattern for weeks now at work meetings and at Grace Church on Sundays – so I put it in with the owl sketch.
